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 Currency Converter
Currency Converter
Currency Converter
Over 180 currencies in over 250 geographical locations.
  The "Full" Version of's Currency Converter using live currency rates 
Please note: This "full" version of the Universal Currency Converter™ contains every known world currency. That's over 180 currencies in over 250 geographical locations! While having every world currency available is nice, it can make it a little difficult to find the one you're looking for.

1 Convert this amount...

enter any amount
2  of this type of currency...

scroll down to see more currencies
3  into this type of currency.

scroll down to see more currencies
4 When you're ready...

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The Full version of Universal Currency Converter™, the world's most popular currency tool, allows you to perform interactive foreign exchange rate calculations on the Internet, using live, up-to-the-minute currency rates.
To start, simply type the amount of source currency in the input box. You may include commas and a decimal point. Next, select the source and destination currencies using the scrolling selection boxes. (Note that there are far more currencies available than the initial five displayed.) When you are finished, push the "Perform Currency Conversion" button, and the results of your conversion will be displayed.

"Universal Currency Converter", "XE", "XE.COM", and the spinning currency logo are trade marks of XE Corporation.