Zhangjiagang City Saibo Science & Technology Co.,Ltd
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Press Step Metal Roof Forming Machine , Arch Sheet Roll Forming Machine 0.4-0.6mm
YX120 - 366
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ain pecification o pecification of the material 1 uitable aterial olored teel plate alvanized steel up 235 pa 2 idth of the raw material 460mm 3 hickness 0 4 0 6mm 1 rofile drawing he hart of rocess low pecification of omponents o echnical pecification emark 1 anual ncoiler idth of feeding 350mm apability 3 on ode of expand fight inner expand fight by manual ay of feeding manual 2 ain oll orming achine oller material A 1045 chrome plated surface with chrome haft diameter 56mm material A 1045 with tempering o avoid accidents the driven parts of the machine will have the cover 3 achine structure ain frame by 350 beam welding achine structure guide pillar 4 ydraulic pressing cutting system aterial of blade pressing mould r12 58 62 hardness ower by hydraulic 5 5 ength measuring Automatic encoder length measuring olerance of length 1 5mm for each piece end product 5 ydraulic ystem ydraulic power 5 5kw orking pressure 12 16 pa adjustable olenoid valve 2 groups ydraulic oil 46 hydraulic oil 6 omputer ontrol abinet rogrammable setting of profile length and quantity perating system language nglish and hinese oltage requency hase 380 50 z 3 hase omputer used to control length quantity achine will automatically cut to length and stop when required quantity is achieved ontrol panel utton type switch and touch screen nit of length millimeter brand anasonic 7 ut table ointed by steel tube ize about 2 0m long 0 8mwide 0 6 1mhigh ne out table with three support roller 4 arranty arranty 1 year warranty from date of shipment uarantee 1 uaranteed against malfunctions due to manufacturing defects for 1 year after date of shipment epairs will be made free of charge 2 epairs will not be performed free of change even during the guarantee period in the follow circumstances amage occurs due to a natural disaster alfunction occurs due to user error alfunction occurs due to modifications alfunction occurs due to further movement or shipment after installation 3 Air ticket transportation cost hotel meals and 100 per day shall be for purchaser s account if manufacturer s engineer has to be send to purchaser s factory to maintain the machine during the guarantee period
ain pecification o pecification of the material 1 uitable aterial olored teel plate alvanized steel up 235 pa 2 idth of the raw material 460mm 3 hickness 0 4 0 6mm 1 rofile drawing he hart of rocess low pecification of omponents o echnical pecification emark 1 anual ncoiler idth of feeding 350mm apability 3 on ode of expand fight inner expand fight by manual ay of feeding manual 2 ain oll orming achine oller material A 1045 chrome plated surface with chrome haft diameter 56mm material A 1045 with tempering o avoid accidents the driven parts of the machine will have the cover 3 achine structure ain frame by 350 beam welding achine structure guide pillar 4 ydraulic pressing cutting system aterial of blade pressing mould r12 58 62 hardness ower by hydraulic 5 5 ength measuring Automatic encoder length measuring olerance of length 1 5mm for each piece end product 5 ydraulic ystem ydraulic power 5 5kw orking pressure 12 16 pa adjustable olenoid valve 2 groups ydraulic oil 46 hydraulic oil 6 omputer ontrol abinet rogrammable setting of profile length and quantity perating system language nglish and hinese oltage requency hase 380 50 z 3 hase omputer used to control length quantity achine will automatically cut to length and stop when required quantity is achieved ontrol panel utton type switch and touch screen nit of length millimeter brand anasonic 7 ut table ointed by steel tube ize about 2 0m long 0 8mwide 0 6 1mhigh ne out table with three support roller 4 arranty arranty 1 year warranty from date of shipment uarantee 1 uaranteed against malfunctions due to manufacturing defects for 1 year after date of shipment epairs will be made free of charge 2 epairs will not be performed free of change even during the guarantee period in the follow circumstances amage occurs due to a natural disaster alfunction occurs due to user error alfunction occurs due to modifications alfunction occurs due to further movement or shipment after installation 3 Air ticket transportation cost hotel meals and 100 per day shall be for purchaser s account if manufacturer s engineer has to be send to purchaser s factory to maintain the machine during the guarantee period
About Us
Since 90s ,in the 20 centruies , the market for steel structure building industry boomed but with the development of steel structure industry ,the shorter period for construction and beautiful extermal appearance, as well reasonable price was occupied in the market of building industry.
Business Type: Manufacturer/OEM
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