Zhangjiagang City Saibo Science & Technology Co.,Ltd
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0.8-1.5mm Thickness Steel Floor Decking Forming Machine With High Strengthen Power
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sheet metal forming machines 1 pecification of the material 1 uitable aterial 2 idth of the raw material 1250mm 3 hickness 0 8mm 1 5mm 2 achine etailed arameters 1 oll orming achine 73 5 305 915 2 achine structure all board structure 3 otal power otor power 11kw x2 ydraulic power 5 5kw 4 oller stations About 30 stations according to the final design 5 roductivity 0 15m min 6 rive system y chain 7 iameter of shaft 85mm solid shaft 8 oltage 380 50 z 3phases ustomized 9 olor f he achine ellow and blue 10 ontainer need 40 container 11 eliver ime 70 days 12 erms f ayment 30 70 pay before shipment 3 rofile drawing 4 he hart of rocess low 5 pecification of omponents 1 5 ydraulic n coiler idth of feeding 1250mm apability 5 on nter diameter 470 520mm aximal out diameter 1500mm oil placement in the coil holder hydraulic hoist orking speed 0 20m min adjustable ain motor power 5 5 A motor ydraulic power 4kw 2 ain oll orming achine oller material A 1045 chrome plated surface with hardness haft diameter 85mm material A 1045 with quenching and tempering ain frame by 350 beam welding achine structure wall board 3 ydraulic cutting system utting after forming ut the sheet after roll forming to required length ses two hydraulic cylinders for operation aterial of blade r12 58 62 hardness utting power by hydraulic 5 5 orking pressure 12 pa adjustable ength measuring Automatic encoder length measuring olerance of length 1 5mm for each piece end product 4 omputer ontrol abinet rogrammable setting of profile length and quantity perating system language nglish and hinese omputer used to control length quantity achine will automatically cut to length and stop when required quantity is achieved anasonic or customerization
sheet metal forming machines 1 pecification of the material 1 uitable aterial 2 idth of the raw material 1250mm 3 hickness 0 8mm 1 5mm 2 achine etailed arameters 1 oll orming achine 73 5 305 915 2 achine structure all board structure 3 otal power otor power 11kw x2 ydraulic power 5 5kw 4 oller stations About 30 stations according to the final design 5 roductivity 0 15m min 6 rive system y chain 7 iameter of shaft 85mm solid shaft 8 oltage 380 50 z 3phases ustomized 9 olor f he achine ellow and blue 10 ontainer need 40 container 11 eliver ime 70 days 12 erms f ayment 30 70 pay before shipment 3 rofile drawing 4 he hart of rocess low 5 pecification of omponents 1 5 ydraulic n coiler idth of feeding 1250mm apability 5 on nter diameter 470 520mm aximal out diameter 1500mm oil placement in the coil holder hydraulic hoist orking speed 0 20m min adjustable ain motor power 5 5 A motor ydraulic power 4kw 2 ain oll orming achine oller material A 1045 chrome plated surface with hardness haft diameter 85mm material A 1045 with quenching and tempering ain frame by 350 beam welding achine structure wall board 3 ydraulic cutting system utting after forming ut the sheet after roll forming to required length ses two hydraulic cylinders for operation aterial of blade r12 58 62 hardness utting power by hydraulic 5 5 orking pressure 12 pa adjustable ength measuring Automatic encoder length measuring olerance of length 1 5mm for each piece end product 4 omputer ontrol abinet rogrammable setting of profile length and quantity perating system language nglish and hinese omputer used to control length quantity achine will automatically cut to length and stop when required quantity is achieved anasonic or customerization
About Us
Since 90s ,in the 20 centruies , the market for steel structure building industry boomed but with the development of steel structure industry ,the shorter period for construction and beautiful extermal appearance, as well reasonable price was occupied in the market of building industry.
Business Type: Manufacturer/OEM
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